Curated Resources
MHST 601, Facilitating Health Inquiry.
Multi-level Health Approaches
Mental Health and the Biopsychosocial Model of Health
Alami, H., Lehoux, P., Shaw, S. E., Papoutsi, C., Rybczynska-Bunt, S., & Fortin, J.-P. (2022). Virtual Care and the Inverse Care Law: Implications for Policy, Practice, Research, Public and Patients. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(17), 10591. MDPI AG. Retrieved from
Devita, M., De Salvo, R., Ravelli, A., De Rui, M., Coin, A., Sergi, G., & Mapelli, D. (2022). Recognizing Depression in the Elderly: Practical Guidance and Challenges for Clinical Management. Neuropsychiatric disease and treatment, 18, 2867–2880.
Flow Coaching Academy. (2021, July 6). The COM-B model [Video]. Youtube.
Trauma Informed Care Implementation Resource Centre. (n.d.) What is trauma informed care.
Rotter, M., Compton, M., Samaranayake, D., Ehntholt, A., Baldwin, E., Schaeffer, L., Feeney, S., & Smith, T. E. (2022). The Social Determinants of Mental Health: A Descriptive Study of State Mental Health Agencies’ Priorities. Community Mental Health Journal, 58(6), 1121–1129.
Chronic Diseases
The Bi-directional Relationship of Depression, Dementia and Chronic Disease
Behaviour Supports Ontario. (2019, May). Resource manual informing person and family-centred care through objective and measurable direct observation documentation.
Devita, M., De Salvo, R., Ravelli, A., De Rui, M., Coin, A., Sergi, G., & Mapelli, D. (2022). Recognizing Depression in the Elderly: Practical Guidance and Challenges for Clinical Management. Neuropsychiatric disease and treatment, 18, 2867–2880.
Mental Health Commission of Canada. (2019). Summary: Guidelines for comprehensive mental health services for older adults in Canada.
Mount Sinai. (2013, April). Non-pharmacological assessment and management of behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia in primary care.
Public Health Agency of Canada. (2022, September 1). Dementia: Risk factors and prevention.
Public Health Agency of Canada. (2017, September 21). Dementia in Canada, including alzheimer's disease: Highlights from the Canadian chronic disease surveillance system.
Public Health Agency of Canada. (2016, December 30). What is depression.
World Health Organization. (2023, October 20). Mental health of older adults.
Zenebe, Y., Akele, B., W/Selassie, M., & Necho, M. (2021). Prevalence and determinants of depression among old age: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Annals of general psychiatry, 20(1), 55.
Indigenous Peoples Health in Canada
Mental Health Considerations for Indigenous Elders
Boksa, P., Joober, R., & Kirmayer, L, J. (2015). Mental wellness in Canada’s Aboriginal communities: striving toward reconciliation. Journal of Psychiatry & Neuroscience. 40 (6), 363-365. DOI:
Hadjipavlou, G., Varcoe, C., Tu, D., Dehoney, J., Price, R., & Browne, A.J. (2018). “All my relations”: experiences and perceptions of Indigenous patients connecting with Indigenous Elders in an inner-city primary care partnership for mental health and well-being. Canadian Medical Association Journal. 190 (20), E608-E615. DOI:
Lindeman, M., Mackell, P., Lin, X., Farthing, A., Jensen, H., Meredith, M., & Haralambous, B. (2017). Role of art centres for Aboriginal Australians living with dementia in remote communities. Australasian Journal on Ageing, 36(2), 128–133.
Tu, D., Hadjipavlou, G., Dehoney, J., Price, E. R., Dusdal, C., Browne, A. J., & Varcoe, C. (2019). Partnering with Indigenous Elders in primary care improves mental health outcomes of inner-city Indigenous patients: Prospective cohort study. Canadian Family Physician Medecin de famille canadien, 65(4), 274–281.
Viscogliosi, C., Asselin, H., Trottier, L., D’Amours, M., & Levasseur, M. (2022). Association between intergenerational solidarity involving elders and mental health of Indigenous people living off reserve. BioMed Central Public Health, 22(1), 1–7.
Webkamigad, S., Warry, W., Blind, M., & Jacklin, K. (2020). An approach to improve dementia health literacy in Indigenous communities. Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology, 35(1), 69–83.
Wu, J., Smye, V., Hill, B., Antone, J., & MacDougall, A. (2023). Exploration of existing integrated mental health and addictions care services for Indigenous peoples in Canada. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(11), 5946.
Marginalized Groups
Intersectional Feminism in Canada
Al-Faham, H., Davis, A. M., & Ernst, R. (2019). Intersectionality: From theory to practice. Annual Review of Law and Social Science, 15(1), 247-265.
Canadian Woman’s Foundation. (n.d.). The facts about intersectional feminism in Canada.
Minority Rights Group International (n.d.). Discrimination, a global overview.
Public Health Agency of Canada. (2022, June 13). How to integrate intersectionality theory in quantitative health equity analysis? A rapid review and checklist of promising practices.
Sociological Studies Sheffield. (2020, October 8). Intersectionality and health explained [Video]. YouTube.
The Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women. (n.d.). Feminist intersectionality and GBA+.
The Prosperity Project. (2022, February 16). Women with intersecting identities underrepresented in Canadian leadership.
UN Woman. (2020, July 1). Intersectional feminism: what it means and why it matters right now.
The Future of Healthcare in Canada
Trending: Intergenerational Living
Canada Home Share. (2023, November 25). Frequently asked questions.
Generations United. (2023, November 26). Intergenerational programs and spaces.
Fang, M. L., Sixsmith, J., Hamilton-Pryde, A., Rogowsky, R., Scrutton, P., Pengelly, R., Woolrych, R., & Creaney, R. (2023). Co-creating inclusive spaces and places: Towards an intergenerational and age-friendly living ecosystem. Frontiers in public health, 10, 996520.
Jacobs, K. (2021, September 2). Don’t mind the gap in intergenerational housing. The New York Times.
Public Health Agency of Canada. (2006, July 18). Age-friendly rural and remote communities: A guide.
Sudo, C. (2021, May 31). How intergenerational living is shaping new senior housing models post-pandemic. Senior Housing News.
Suleman, R., & Bhatia, F. (2021). Intergenerational housing as a model for improving older-adult health. BC Medical Journal, 63(4), 171-173.
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